Tag Archives: socializing


Living with Dementia – Chris’s Story – Video Dailymotion

Watch Living with Dementia – Chris’s Story by communityvoicehealth on Dailymotion here
— Read on www.dailymotion.com/video/x4g6xqu

Out and about, mixing with others !

What a lot of what a lot of people don’t realise about Alzheimer’s and dementia is that is the reason why we don’t like going out ,
it’s nothing to do with withdrawal or keeping ourselves from people ,it’s mainly because of the noise .
I’ve lost the ability to filter out noise ,so one-to-one is fine as long as they speak slowly ( but not loudly, I’m not deaf ).three or four, if they take turns to talk and not all starting shouting to be heard above each other,I can almost cope with that but more than that and the noise just mixes into one ,becomes a garbled mess .
It then becomes very difficult for me, I start to raise my voice to be heard above the background noise and people think I’m shouting and behaving inappropriately because of the Alzheimer’s or I go the other way ,and just shut up and stop talking altogether.
This not talking much can then quite easily turn into a bad habit !